What do you need for Pesach?
Passover is celebrated by Jews to commemorate their freedom from the slavery of the Egyptian Pharaoh. Passover or Pesach is an important festival for Jews and they start their preparation in advance. If you do not want to celebrate Passover at home, you can book your seat for Passover programs 2021. Here, let’s discuss important things to do while celebrating Passover at home.
Shopping for Passover
It is important to ensure that you have purchased every important thing for Passover. You should arrange fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, fish in advance for Kosher. Make sure that they do not come in contact with chametz. During Passover, Jews do not eat legumes or food prepared with legumes.
Various medicines and cosmetics are made of chametz. You should talk to the rabbi to find out which items can be used during the time of Passover.
Arrange Pet Food
You should not purchase those food items for your pet that are chametz. There are only a few pet food items that are free from chametz. Therefore, you should wisely purchase pet food.
Prepare Your Kitchen
Utensils & Dishes: You should have a separate set of dishes and utensils for your holidays. Under certain conditions, some utensils can be koshered during the Passover. You should consult a rabbi to determine the right procedure.
Stove: You should properly clean the stove and heat it to the hottest temperature. Make sure that the grates of the stove are red hot. You should cover the over and stop-top with aluminum foil.
Microwave Ovens: Properly clean your over for the Passover celebration. You should place a cup of water inside the oven. Turn on your oven and let the water heat up to create steam inside the oven. Finally, wipe them over with a soft cloth.
Sink: You should clean your sink and do not use it for 24 hours before koshering. You should pour hot water in your sink 3 times. You should use a clean pot for boiling water.
Refrigerator, Closets, Tables, Freezer Cupboards, and Counters: You should clean everything in your house and get rid of the residue. Also, you should properly cover these surfaces so that they do not come in contact with hot utensils. You should properly wash tablecloths and napkins.
Preparation for the Seder
There are five main mitzvot in Seder
1) Eating matzah.
2) Reading the story of Exodus and relating it.
3) Drinking four cups of wine.
4) Recitation of Hallel.
Main Items In Seder Plate
During Seder, Matzah is eaten at three different times. Motzi Matzah- it is eaten after reading the story of Exodus. One ounce of matzah is required for the Hillel sandwich of maror. The third time for eating matzah is at the end of the meal as it is used for partaking of the afikomen. Shmurah Matzah is a special type of matzah and it is carefully guarded to ensure that it does not come in contact with the wheat.
Wine is more preferable as compared to grape juice. It is recommended to drink a full cup of at least three and a half fluid ounces.
Wine is required at four different points of Seder. First, it is required during the beginning of the Seder. Second, it is required after telling the story of Exodus. The second cup of wine should be taken before eating Motzi Matzah. Wine is mandatory at four points of the Seder. It is used for Kiddush at the beginning of the Seder. The third cup of wine is consumed after the Birkat Hamazon). The last and fourth cup of wine is consumed after Hallel.
These four cups of wine indicate four promises made by God to the Israelites. Another big reason for drinking four cups of wine is their redemption. The first reason, they still use their Hebrew names. Second, they are still using the Hebrew language. Third, they are still highly moral. Fourth and last, they are loyal.
Maror is consumed after Matzah and it is also eaten after some time in the Hillel sandwich (Koresh). You should eat ¾ ounces of maror. There are two main sources of Maror: horseradish and romaine lettuce. It is recommended to use Romaine lettuce stacks instead of leaves. It is so because insect removal from Remain lettuce’s leaves is a difficult task.
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